Forex today: the most promising and profitable financial market


Currency market FOREX – is a powerful financial tool, providing an opportunity to get high returns, even from minor fluctuations in world market rates. The magnitude of the currency market is enormous. Here, every day is sold and bought nearly 1.5 trillion dollars and the volume of production operations to increase 5-7% annually.

This is a much greater volume of any commodity, stock, futures or any other market (for comparison: the daily volume in the securities market – about $ 300 billion, foreign currency futures market – about 40 billion). According to the New York Stock Exchange NYSE, the maximum daily trading volume on the stock exchange recorded 27 December 1995 amounted to 347 million shares.

Would be required from 8 to 10 weeks to the trade volume on the NYSE with the volume of trade one day in the market FOREX.

Moreover, Bank of America in 1997, made the assumption that, given the growing interest in recent years to play in exotic currencies, the daily trading volume in the international currency market FOREX can grow up to 8 trillion dollars in the next decade!

The composition of the foreign exchange market is diverse: from the largest banks and the powerful international investment funds to small firms and private investors (the last group of the largest).

Income from foreign currency transactions on the FOREX market up to 60% of the total income for many banks (in some cases up to 80%, as in 1994. The Union Bank of Switzerland – one of the largest banks in the world).

Currently, the bank can not be competitive and survive without being able to trade currency. Currency transactions allow banks to be independent of changes in the dollar, if the bank is located in the U.S. or any other currency. Dealing department is an integral part of the West Bank.

That does not leave, and Russian banks, as well as the laws of market economy will make sooner or later to include foreign exchange dealings in the tools required to survive in conditions of growing competition in the banking sector.

What is the world currency market FOREX? What attracts its expanses millions of investors around the world? How does capital market FOREX, manage it and make a profit?

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